Saturday, 31 March 2012

Almost, almost!!

The end is in sight!

Coming in at 4'42", there are no more bars to be added in my Ora Ensemble piece. I just need to add in a few more articulations, dynamics, and just do some minor minor tweaking to the fast part (probably just adding some crunch to clarify the downbeat in the piano.)

I'm very excited about the upcoming read. I'm hoping that if it's recorded, I'll be able to use it for a future "portfolio item." I'm hoping that despite the rhythmic interplay, reading from parts will still ensure rhythmic accuracy. I'm sure reading from the score would be useful but it's too clunky and impractical.

The only thing that's proving tricksy is the title - nothing is leaping out at me. Here's hoping to inspiration on that front before Wednesday!

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